Self – Righeous or Righteous Living?

What does Scripture say about Self-righteousness?

Definition of Self-righteous: One convinced of their own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others. Having confidence in one’s own righteousness; having the idea that we can somehow generate within ourselves by ourselves a righteousness that will be acceptable to Yahuah. Romans 3:10

Yahusha came down hard on those who attempted to live in self-righteousness. Six times in Matthew 23 He condemns the scribes and Pharisees for elevating their own traditions above His Word to make themselves look better. It is an understatement to say that every believer in Yahusha is plagued by this attitude because of our prideful hearts. It is easier to compare ourselves with one another than it is to recognize that we cannot measure up to the standards of a Holy Elohim. Only in Messiah can we know true righteousness. Self-righteousness is one who lives their life neglecting the need of Yahuah’s redemptive work, they can do it themselves.

Let us not be the kind of follower in Yahusha who portrays themselves as perfect.

We have flaws and we have struggles; that’s why we need HIM.

Many people would be scared if they saw in the mirror not their faces but their character. The self-righteous never apologize.

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