End Time Delusions Morals & Ethics

Righteous Living is either Morals and Ethics
or Being Pure Clean and Holy

When we talk about morals and ethics we find these terms are the consensus of the masses of people from generation to generation. People try to determine what is good and evil by their own opinions. In other words, being moral and ethical are evolutionary values the Scripture calls traditions of men. As a believer in Yahuah we are not called to be moral or ethical, we are called to be set apart, pure, clean and holy.

Let us reconsider by the standards of Yahuah and His authority how HE wants us to become.  As a believer in Yahuah I therefore am neither a moral or an ethical person because these understandings make the Word of Yahuah of none effect.  The fact that traditional morals and ethics are “respectable” parts of modern religion is a sad testimony to the worldly believer. Addressing these well-intended but ignorant traditions about speaking profanity, we can expose it as inexcusable and offensive to Yahuah.

“Their talk is foul, like the stench from an open grave. Their tongues are filled with lies.” “Snake venom drips from their lips.” “Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.” Romans 3:13,14

Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. Ephesians 4:29

If a person thinks that he is religious but can’t control his tongue, he is fooling himself. That person’s religion is worthless. James 1:26

 It is a general fact that self-righteous believers have not mastered nor believe what the Scriptures really say – no matter what the topic. Most opt to rely on traditions of men, doctrines of demons and society-based morals. One huge problem here!! The results leads to becoming aggressive in defending a majority based belief system of opinions and then attack those who are correct in what the Scriptures say.

The Scripture says don’t swear but rather let all of your utterances be true. Yahuah’s word is what? His word is truth. When He Who is truth speaks, it is truth; and we who have taken His name should be the same way. If we aren’t, we have taken His name in vain.

Here is the delusion many fall prey to; we take on a worldly definition of being moral and ethical instead of taking on the Word of Yahuah’s instructions that define how we are to live. This is TRUTH! Good people don’t make it into eternity, only those who come to the Father Yahuah through Yahusha and receive His salvation, His invitation to become part of His family and Kingdom.

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