Authority in Righteous Living

Pure or Mixture? Authority or Independence
I”If you love Me you will keep My Commandments.” John 14:15

We are called to be a set apart people, to become pure, clean and holy in serving Him. Simply put; our lives are to be like a pure glass of drinking water. Drinking water is clear, clean, transparent and unpolluted. When additives are allowed in, water becomes something else. Additives are like opinions, speculations, conjecture, guessing or presumption. Those are quantitatively the recipe for mixture.

Yahuah tells us very emphatically what we ought to do and gives us directions on how to do it, but He never takes the means to force us to do it. We are to obey Him in oneness of spirit. When He speaks about following Him, becoming a disciple He prefaces it with an “IF.” Thus meaning we don’t have to do it unless we desire to do it; do it out of love for Him not obligation.

“If any man will be My disciple, let him deny himself.”

Here lies the battlefield of self will. Can we give up the right to our self to Him? Yahusha is not speaking about eternal positions, but being of value to Him in the order of everyday life things. It is not our place to suggest that He change the commandments or to consider redoing an instruction according to our liking. Thus we do it anyway in the way we speak, act and think. Oh! He doesn’t care about that little white lie.

26)  If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. 27)  And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

28)  For which of you, intending to build a tower, sits not down first, and counts the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?  Luke 14:26-28

Bottom line; these scriptures send us the message of “I AM to be First.” When you put me in this position I will take care of your family and your life. Secondly, Yahusha is not only asking us to reflect on the cost of serving Him and denying our flesh. He is pointing us to the supreme cost He paid in freely giving up His life that we might have life eternal with Him. It was the ultimate cost.

If we hesitate, it is because we love someone else or something else and they are in competition with Him. Yahusha will not force you to obey Him, you must make a decision to do so. When we obey Him we are in position to fulfill our spiritual destiny. Your life might be crowded with many hindrances and life looking rather haphazard. No matter what, He is in control even in chaos. We are to see those things a mere pinholes where His light shines through to show the way.

When Yahusha’s redemptive power operates through me other lives will be changed because behind my obedience comes the power and reality of an Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth.  Make a choice, make a decision to surrender all and watch the water in your glass become pure and clean to show you the way.                        

Therefore know this.

When you have ME you have the majority

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