Everlasting Covenants Part 1a of 9

Everlasting Covenants

Everlasting Covenants Part 1a of 9

Now that we have provided numerous articles on what covenant is and how Yahuah’s covenant affects our lives it is important to cast down the thinking that Yahuah has tossed aside His covenants of old. Here lies some of the confusion on the subject. Many argue that this ‘new covenant’ which we now know means’ renewed covenant’ as we went back to the original Hebrew text. We were given His Covenant at Mt. Sinai which Israel broke so they were given the Book of the Law. Through Yahusha we are restored through the Melchizedek Priesthood back under the original covenan.t  Unfortunately our English Bibles are organized in a way to make one think different.

The issues are in their covenant theology. The view is; here is an old part ‘Old Testament’ and then there is a ‘new part’ the New Testament. Many teach that the Old Testament covenants are more like contracts. Then we have the word “Testament.” The New Testament is treated like it is Yahuah’s last will and testament replacing the Old Testament which was His former Last Will and Testament. Modern Greek thinking views see it no different than a government putting a new law on the books replacing an old law.

What is Covenant Theology?

Covenant theology is the study of how Yahuah and man relate together. There are three views regarding Covenant Theology. One is the covenant of works, two a covenant of grace, a covenant of redemption relating to our Messiah Yahusha. Covenant theology says that all of the previous covenants in the Old Testament were of works and remain only if the conditions are met. They state that Israel failed to keep the conditions; therefore, the covenant has been done away with and it was fulfilled. They expose that the New Covenant is the covenant of grace and it remains in effect forever. This is incorrect.

Thus, anytime a believer in Messiah uses the word ‘Torah’ one who is tied to covenant theology enters conflict and is immediately in disagreement.  This is because covenant theology says that the Old Testament has been replaced by the New Testament, the Old Testament is no longer the proper source for spiritual instruction. Covenant theology lumps all the former covenants Yahuah made with men (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David) into one “Old Covenant,” labeling it as the covenant of works and making the New covenant a covenant of grace.

The Church Fathers didn’t help; they took the scriptures, organized and printed them lumping them together as the Old Covenant. They then put in a dividing page called “New Testament” and started with the Gospels. This definition for our present Bible did not actually happen until the fourth century. It is time to circumcise your Bible and take out the center page.

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