Discernment How to Love Yahuah’s Way

We use the word love loosely; being familiar with love makes it harder to understand scripture definition of love. We experience parental love, spousal love, the love of children and grandchildren, love of friends, love of country, love of possessions or professions. We love our animals and relationships. Speaking of all these different applications, different types of love are treated as synonymous when they are not.

General references are not definitions; our Western mindset destroys the concept of Yahuah’s love as being exact just as Yahuah Himself is exact  Incorrect concepts conveyed  through translation of language has diluted our ability to know who HE really is. Our English language is more vague than Hebrew or Greek. His purposes, His will, His love or His Words are sometimes interpreted to fit denominational beliefs instead of kingdom truths.

What can destroy our faith is believing that Yahuah is not precise, exact or perfec.t We refer to Him as being late, or sometimes He is this way or that way, inconsistent with His Word. Again, we determine some things must not matter to Him.  Let’s correct this misconception NOW. Yahusha didn’t almost die, we are not kind of delivered, we are not almost cured of a disease. You are not almost hired for a job or almost found innocent of a crime.

Yahuah is not ‘almost’ not ‘vague’ not ‘changing’ not ‘unreliable’ not ‘less than trust worthy.’

In fact a majority of times the word ‘simple’ is used in scripture meaning to convey the word ‘vague’ and is used in a condemning way. These verses use the word simple to mean innocent or naïve.

“O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.” Proverbs 8:5

“The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going.” Proverbs 14:15 

“The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.” Proverbs 14:18 

Eros is the Greek word for love and is never used in scripture. Eros love is a physical passionate love which is sensual in desire and longing. It appears that Elohim never chooses to use this word in His revelation to mankind. His love is more than a sexual type of love, that kind is seen as a perversion of love, only physical, and sensual, where want and desire are not united with emotional response and unconditional acceptance.

Yahuah’s love is the highest love wherein we show our affection in a righteous, self-giving manner. This is how we are to love one another and the ungodly. It is sacrificially putting someone else first, for their good.  It is the highest, most noble form of love there is.  This kind of love is shown in our behavior, our decisions, our choices as compared to a response type of emotional love. That kind of love is rational, discretionary which is not what Elohim commands us to do, not according to what we feel. This is a choice not an emotion.

In loving Yahuah, in loving our self and others we need clarity on how we can pragmatically and righteously fulfill this command as an act of our personal will. Messiah Yahusha said we are to love one another, He didn’t say love the whole world. Understanding this kind of love is imperative, meaning it is a command; we are to learn to love His Way. Want a good marriage, relationships learn how to love His way and watch life drastically change.

Stay with us as we walk out learning how to love Yahuah and love throughout our lives.

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