Discernment How to Love Elohim’s Way

Discernment How to Love Yahuah’s Way

Part 2

Sometimes we have to know what something “is not” in order to grasp what it is. If we don’t keep Yahuah’s teachings in us we will allow our cultural understandings of love to define our life.  We have been taught all our life that love is a feeling, an emotion. 

All emotions are in response to an activating event.

No one feels love without something first happening. Whether it is through our eye gate watching a beautiful woman, or a feeling of romance which leads into love. If your love is based solely on a desire and not honor, cherish, respect, giving yourself to another then you can fall out of love as quickly as you fell into that kind of love.

True love is an action not a reaction of the flesh.

Love in American style has been a response to something else, because it was emotional; it was always a reaction and not an action. True love is an action not a reaction of the flesh. Love is a choice not a reaction. Yahuah’s love produces a behavior of putting forth a depth of yourself and doing it sacrificially. This deep kind of love is telling us to perform a behavior, an action only made possible by a choice of the mind, heart and spirit.

Yahusha Messiah laid down His life for us, He sacrificially put us first. This is loving before someone loves you back not after they do something. In our Western mindset we perceive love as defined including the word (because.)  Because you do something that makes me feels good, because you are beautiful to make us feel special. Love American style always has to do with the word “because.”

In our culture we love first (the emotional feeling) which is our expression, “we fell in love.” Yet this is not what an act of love is. Yahuah’s kind of words to represent love is the word “how.”  How do we sacrificially put someone else first, how do we love them? Love means putting someone else first and doing it in private not to receive accolades of others.

Marriages: When we love Yahuah’s way there are emotions but they come when it is appropriate, after the sacrifice for it has been made not before. Meaning this love develops, cultivates, fosters, grows and is progressive in respect and honor. Pre-marital sex is full of emotions, affection, lust, desire and romance. In our culture many feel this has to come first, but the emotions have not been invested or paid for yet in the true process.

Time is your best test seeing people in and out of season, in many different circumstances. Our first clue is protecting our heart and emotions until we have the evidence the other person is capable of loving us back. Love in marriage is not one sided it takes time and commitment.  When two people put each other first, the emotion of love is guaranteed.

Sacrificial love is done in sincerity not as eye pleasing for eye service to be seen of men. The person making the sacrifice feels the emotion of love because of the investment that they have made. There is nothing casual about it.

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