Covenant with Elohim Introduction

Covenant with Yahuah/Jesus Introduction

Covenant with Yahuah Introduction

The understanding of covenant is one of the vital necessities regarding our relationship with Yahuah and us. Let’s look at the meaning of covenant and direct our definitions into the depth of Yahuah’s covenants with us.

A covenant is a formal, solemn binding agreement. The covenant with Yahuah and His people is one of sanctity. It is a promise made by a covenant, a pledge Performance and action is required between the two parties.

A covenant is a mutual consent or agreement of two or more persons, to do or to forbear some act or thing; a contract; stipulation. A covenant is created by deed in writing, sealed and executed; or it may be implied in the contract.  It contains the terms of agreement or contract between parties; or the clause of agreement in a deed containing the covenant.

In our study we are focusing on Yahuah’s covenant of LOVE with a set apart people. In essence our covenant with HIM is a covenant of marriage. It is formal, solemn, binding in agreement. It is sanctified and is a pledge of performance with actions required between HIM and us. A covenant is created by deed in writing. For us it was the Ten Commandments which were our wedding vows which were executed on Mount Sinai which contained the terms of the covenant. This was a union between us and Yahuah the Elohim of Israel.

When we accept Yahusha we are accepting our covenant which says we will be a set apart people generationally. We will be different, dedicated to Him, no longer considered common. This is a marriage covenant that was generational. When one decides to live outside the covenant, the covenant is breached.

What is a breach according to scripture?

A breach is a rupture, space between the parts, a violation of non-fulfillment, non-performance of intimate union, duty in the relationship. Covenant separation from Yahuah comes from a breach that is sin. The consequent is affliction, difference, and enmity between the two. Covenant breach happens when we harden our hearts and breach our covenant with Yahuah to live our lives our own way outside the covenant HE made with us.

Some make covenants primarily for protection, food and provision. For example, if you have one group of people who are very good at farming and another group who are very good at war, the two tribes would get together and make a covenant with one another in order to exchange each other’s strengths – one provides the food and the other goes to war when needed.

Yahuah’s covenant with us is one of pure LOVE and is all encompassing since HE is Creator and everything in the earth is His. This type of covenant works directly opposite to the previous example. The strong usually approaches the weaker party:

“I just want to provide for you.

All I have and all I am is yours. Everything I have is

Available to you.

I lay it all at your feet.”

The stronger party will only initiate this covenant out of LOVE. I take all of my assets and make it available to somebody else, particularly because they are weaker, and because I am doing so out of LOVE. The only motive is to LOVE, to HONOUR and to ESTEEM!! When Yahuah chose us to be HIS people this was HIS LOVE over us.

 The covenant with Yahuah and His people is one of sanctity. It is a promise

 A covenant in scripture is instituted through a sacrifice which is cut into two and the parties of the covenant pass through the pieces. If one party fails to meet the agreements of the covenant then the other may do the same to them. Genesis 15:10,17 and Jeremiah 34:18-20

 In scripture, the covenant of works, is that implied in the commands, prohibitions, and promises of Yahuah; the promise of Yahuah to man, that man’s perfect obedience should entitle him to happiness. This do, and live; that do, and die.

The covenant of redemption, is the mutual agreement between the Father and Son, respecting the redemption of sinners by Messiah.

But with thee will I establish my covenant; and you shall come into the ark, you, and your sons, and your wife, and your sons’ wives with you. Genesis 6:18

I am establishing you, I will raise you up, confirm and continue to abide and accomplish perform  I have chosen you.

COVENANT, n. [L, to come; a coming together; a meeting or agreement of minds.]

COVENANT, v.i. To enter into a formal agreement; to stipulate; to bind ones self by contract. A covenants with B to convey to him a certain estate. When the terms are expressed ti has for before the thing or price.

They covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. Mat 26

COVENANT, v.t. To grant or promise by covenant.

And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; Genesis 9:9

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