Renewing Your Mind Part 3

Step: 3 By the power of the Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit

Romans 7:19 for the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

Yes, this process of transformation is completed ‘by the power of the Holy Spirit.’ It the Spirit of Yahusha inside each of us, and it is His Spirit that molds us, shapes us and transforms us into the kind of holy and righteous people that YHWH wants us to become.

Many believers in Messiah already know this. They wonder why there has not been much change in their personalities after they have been saved. Where is the Holy Spirit? How come He is not removing some of my negative qualities? How come I am still miserable, depressed and fly off the handle with anger all the time. How come I am always using my mouth to tear down, criticize and belittle another person? Or perhaps you have an attitude that it is either my way or the highway. A spirit of ultimatum is not the Holy Spirit; it is a spirit of self and false authority.

Here is your answer:

The reason there has been little or no change in your personality after getting saved is because you have not spent enough time doing your part described in steps 1 and 2. You have not spent enough quality time in the Word of Yahuah to learn exactly what it is that He wants to change about you. Then you have not made any real concerted effort on your part to try and change yourself for the better. You have not put on the godly qualities that Yahuah wants to have operating in your personality.

If You Don’t Do Your Part don’t Blame Yahuah

Yahuah is waiting for you, when you get in His word, find out those qualities He is after in you and make a concerted effort, He will start to impart His peace, His love, His joy, His kindness, His patience, and His perseverance into your personality through the Holy Spirit. These will be His divine qualities and attributes imparted into you – not yours.

When Yahuah sees you doing your part, developing what He has given you,


Then He will do His part and open doors that no man can shut.

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