Renewing Our Minds – Controls Our Tongue

Did you know that if you slander a brother it is the same as murder; because slander is used to kill a person’s name, striking at the very soul of the person slandered? When it is done by a brother in the faith it is just like the betrayal of Judas against the Messiah.

We Commit Murder:

In Hebrew thought when a person commits a murder they kill a whole world. The person murdered had a family and friends and hopes for a future. Murder does harm to that world, or let’s say the life of those other people whom their life touched.

Murdering with the tongue is no different, you have transgressed the commandment, and it is just the method you want to use. Slandering has the sin of premeditation with it. When you harbor hate for another and seek to bring harm to them by action or withholding, it is a form of killing. If a person doesn’t’ care if what they say destroys or kills, or one is hurt along the way, that would be considered Second Degree Murder by standards today.

More importantly what happens to us when we listen to negative words about others? Have the negative seeds gone inside us – even if we don’t think so? We have opened ourselves up for a future sprouting in ourselves to take offense, or believe a lie allowing the enemy to bring up the hear-say and torment us later to bring division. Here is the evidence, are we holding ill feelings about another? Are we uncomfortable around another and don’t want to be around them? These are signs of sin that is separating you from a brother and Yahshua. Don’t allow the enemy to win and divide us. Just listening to a bad report will profane you. When you know the situation calls for you to confront your brother, don’t talk yourself out of it? The enemy can use others to talk you out of obeying Torah. There’s a good chance those who are doing so don’t like confrontation themselves or are part of the sin. Regardless, we are never to vary in the instructions Yahuah gives us. Are we going to be obedient to Yahuah, follow His word and obey Him or not?

Taking our thoughts captive is serious. Now that you have prayed to be delivered from vain imaginations, and having your mind renewed, this exercise will be very helpful to assist you in becoming accountable with the words you speak. Keep praying, keep practicing.

Write out any words of death and cursing that you have spoken over yourself.


Write out any words of death and cursing that you have spoken over others.


Following are the steps you can take for the release from destructive words that have been spoken. Pray through these steps for the issues you wrote about in the exercise above. On the right side of the page is your example of breaking words of unworthiness.

Prayers of Repentance:

  1. Repent

What has been said and believed doesn’t line up with the Word of YHWH, and I must turn away from those words and that incorrect belief.

  1. Cast Off

I must refuse to recognize or follow the curse that has been spoken – and the demonic spirits behind it. In the name of Yahusha, break the power, schemes and attack of the enemy in this situation.

  1. Bless

I bless the situation by loosing the Word of Yahuah, speaking specific verses, truth, or promises found in Scripture. I also speak life by declaring a personal blessing over the situation.



Father Yahuah, I confess that I have chosen to believe the lie that I am worthless. I repent, and turn away from that belief in Yahshua’s name.

I cast off the lie that I am worthless and I renounce this lie in the name of Yahusha. I break the power of all lying spirits over me; I break the curse of unworthiness and all it’s affects over my mind and life. I declare that I am worthy because of Yahusha, and unworthiness has no part of me. In Yahusha’s name.

I declare and believe what the Word of Yahuah says in Zechariah 2:8 “I am the apple of Yahuah’s eye.” I am bound to the blessings of significance and value in my life, and I declare I am of great worth to Yahuah. He has given me my identity, an inheritance and I am part of His family, the Commonwealth of Israel, His Kingdom, and His Melchizedek Priesthood.


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